Deb was joined in the studio by Lynn Mack, co-author with Deb of the book Images of America: West Salem published by Arcadia Publishing. Lynn, a lifelong resident of West Salem and Polk County, is considered the unofficial historian for this area directly west across the Willamette River from the city of Salem and once an independent town. Lynn grew up in the family home of her father in the Kingwood area of West Salem, where he often regaled her with tales of his boyhood in the surrounding areas. So began her vast and varied collection of photographs and stories.
Deb, also a long-time resident of West Salem, joined her in this endeavor to assist in editing, design and layout, as well as condensing the large collection into a publishable format. This was Deb's third book with Arcadia Publishing.
Lynn explained that the authors have donated the profits of this book to the Polk County Historical Society. The society owns and maintains the Historic Brunk House & Farm on Highway 22 west of Salem, as well as the Polk County Museum located at the south end of the Polk County Fairgrounds in Rickreall. This undiscovered gem of a local, volunteer-run museum displays thousands of artifacts from all over the Polk County area, has a well-respected and well-used research library of family histories and geneaology, and a vast archive of historic photographs which are being digitized into an accessible online database. Check out their website, PolkCountyHistoricalSociety.org, for more information.