Our own Kimberli is the Historic Preservation Officer for the City of Salem, Oregon, and as such she visits with us each month to keep us apprised of new projects on the horizon and also reports on the work of the Historic Landmarks Commission (HLC).
Today Kimberli was excited to share that the HLC's popular "This Place Matters" photo contest will be taking place again in April 2016. Categories include photos of neighborhoods, buildings, and a general Chairman's Choice field. Prizes are awarded to the winners. Begin taking your photos now so you will have lots to submit. Click here to see the rest of the 2015 contest winners, or check out the City's Heritage Portal site.
Furthermore, Salem has been designated as the host city for the Oregon Heritage Commission's "Spring Heritage Conference" to be held at the State Capitol Building in May 2016. The Heritage All-Star Forum is playing a key role in developing content for the sessions and relevant tours of the area. If you'd like to add your suggestions for programs or tours, you can send them to us here [[email protected]] and we'll pass them along.
Also, the Salem All-Star Forum is partnering with CCTV to prepare six to twelve, 3-5 minute You-Tube videos highlighting Salem history. The project is tentatively named Capital City Cornerstones. Eventually, all the videos will be stitched together to make a one-hour video that will be available for tourism promotion and air periodically on CCTV. If you'd like to participate in this project, check out the Forum's website on our Links Page.