Have you ever wanted to step back into a specific time period of history? Curious to see what your house/town used to look like? Perhaps wanting to find a missing ancestor or answer a family question? Maybe just yearning for what seems to be a simpler lifestyle? We all have! Today's guest, Ann Gage, is surrounded by history when she works at a local museum that tells the story of our early homesteaders and also at home in her museum-worthy old home.

Ann remarked that she comes from a family of educators. Her mother was very involved with the historical society, serving as president during the construction of the newer museum, so she has much personal experience in her background.

The PCHS holds several special events every year. At the Museum, Family Day occurs in March, with demonstrations of homesteading skills and Civil War re-enactors. Their annual Porch Sale happens in July, and they man a booth at the Polk County Fair in August. Brunk House & Farm hosts a cider pressing each fall in September/October to showcase their farm-grown apples, and is also the hub for the Salem Car Club's Poker Run during the Cherry Blossom Drive in the spring. Throughout most of the year, there is a free educational program presented on the third Saturday afternoon of the month. Ann reported that in 2018 they would be following a civil-war theme, with an Abraham Lincoln presenter scheduled to provide a special program.

For more information on hours and events, check out their website or phone them at (503)623-6251.