Rick Neahring, owner of the historic Viesko/Neahring, talked with us about his passion for the history of his home. He remembers passing this house on his daily commute and thinking how much he liked its style and the surrounding neighborhood. When he saw the For Sale sign go up, he made a point to tour the home and ended up purchasing it almost immediately. The longer he has lived in the home, the more passionate he became about knowing more about the former owners. He became acquainted with Christy Van Heukelem and her research business, and this interest to know more about the former owners took on a life of its own.
Salem was built through the foresight and hard work of many, many people, just working to support their families and building a community that could sustain them. There are those historic figures whom the public has officially recognized for their contributions to this effort, but there are so many other significant contibutions made by everyday folks just doing their jobs that will most likelly never be properly recognized. Let's hope that we discover even more of these everyday heroes as we continue to learn more about those who went before us.